Wednesday, 14 December 2011

How To Get The New Nigerian Drivers License, All The Steps

Follow the steps below to obtain a new drivers license from the Federal Road Safety Corps or to renew an existing license anywhere you live in Nigeria.
The steps involved have been broken into two sections, sections A & B, for drivers license renewal and for new drivers license respectively.
Read the section that applies to you below.

Section A: Steps To Renew Your Drivers License

1. Locate your drivers license number. (Check your existing drivers license for the number).
2. Visit the Nigeria drivers license renewal page on the official frsc website
3. Type in your drivers license number and your date of birth in the form provided
4. Click the SEARCH button.
5. Click OK when a new dialogue box appears
6. Review your drivers license data on the new page that appears. Update available information.
7. Choose the frsc location you wish to "capture" your picture
8. Click the SUBMIT button
9. Review the new page that appears with your data. Click the PRINT button to print out a copy for yourself. (Record your drivers license application ID number in the form in a safe place. This is the number you will use for all transactions relating to your drivers license).
10. Click the PAY NOW button
11. Click the Proceed To Pay button after reviewing the amount you've been billed. You will be taken to the pay4me website for payment completion (see steps for making payment in the payment section below)
12. Visit your chosen FRSC photo capture centre to request for capture date (or wait for official frsc notification to come for photo capture)
Making Payment - Two Options
You can pay for your Nigeria FRSC drivers license renewal or new drivers license in one of two ways:
option 1: pay to one of the participating banks or
Option 2: Pay online via
Option 1: Pay Through A Bank
1. Select BANK in the window that opens (after clicking the PROCEED TO PAY button in step 11 above)
2. Click the CONTINUE button
3. Review the list of participating banks and mentally choose the bank you wish to pay to
4. Click the CONTINUE button
5. Review the bill that appears in the new page that loads
6. Print the bill by clicking the CLICK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SLIP button at the bottom of the page
7. Go to your chosen bank and present your documents printed above for payment
Collect your validation number from the bank after making payment. This is absolutely important!
Option 2: Pay Online
1. Select the eWallet button in the window that opens (after clicking the PROCEED TO PAY button in step 11 above)

2. Click the CONTINUE button
3. Scroll to the bottom of the page
4. Click REGISTER link at the bottom of the eWallet login form
5. Fill the registration form that appears
6. Complete the registration process by filling in your security questions in the page that appears
7. Login to your email address
8. Click on the activation link in the email sent by (this action activates your online account with
9. Login into your account after your account is activated
10. Fund your account with your VISA card or MasterCard using the appropriate tab in your pay4me account (this creates equivalent credits equal to the amount you load in your pay4me eWallet account)
11. Pay your drivers license bill with the credit in your eWallet account

Section B: Steps To Get A New Drivers License

1. Visit the FRSC Nigeria new drivers license page on the official frsc website
2. Fill the driving license application form presented to you on the page
3. Be careful when you choose the frsc location you wish to "capture" your picture. Make sure it's close to where you live to minimize stress.
4. Click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page
5. Review the new page that appears with your data. Click the PRINT button to print out a copy for yourself. (Record your drivers license application ID number in the form in a safe place. This is the number you will use for all transactions relating to your drivers license).
6. Click the PAY NOW button
7. Click the Proceed To Pay button after reviewing the amount you've been billed. You will taken to the pay4me website for payment completion (see steps for making payment in the payment section above)
8. Visit your chosen FRSC photo capture centre to request for capture date (or wait for official frsc notification to come for photo capture)

Send Us Feedback - Tell Us About Your Experience With The New FRSC Drivers License Process

There you have it . . . the new procedure for drivers license renewal and getting a new drivers license anywhere you live in Nigeria.
This process is suppose to be stress free.
Therefore we welcome feedback from anyone (and everyone) who have tried this new (and improved) FRSC process for getting a new drivers license.
Did you renew your drivers license using this new process from the Federal road safety corps?
Tell us about it.
How do you share your experience?
Simply post a comment by clicking on the "Click here to post comments" link below.
You can also post your experience if you have just obtained a new drivers license using the new frsc process.
All the best.


  1. thanks for the post. very helpful

  2. This is a good information for all. Nice!
